Our list includes easy enhancements from morning ‘til night, perfect for working wellness into your busy schedule.
We’ve all heard, read, and watched an endless parade of experts expound on the importance of wellness. So often, however, the emphasis is placed on what working women need to "give up" or “stop” or “cut down.” Instead, today we’ll focus on what we can start. After all, one of eWomenNetwork’s Core Values is, “Happiness, fun, self-care, and life balance.”
Sound good? Simply introduce one or more of the following healthy habits into your daily routine, whether morning, noon, or night – because adding, not just subtracting, is important to every wellness equation.
eWomenNetwork’s Healthy Habits for Everyday Wellness
Mindful Mornings: Begin the day with a brief meditation or yoga session. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided meditations tailored to busy schedules, and five minutes are all you need for this morning yoga routine from the New York Times.
Better Breakfast: Start the day with a quick meal rich in energy-amplifying elements. It can be as easy as tossing a handful of berries or nuts into your oatmeal or yogurt. Feeling more ambitious? Try one of Food Network’s healthy breakfast recipes.
Desk Stretches: Incorporate short stretching breaks throughout the workday to alleviate tension and improve circulation. The Mayo Clinic’s video collection includes stretches for the neck, arms, and upper body that take only a few minutes.
Creative Hydration: We all know by now that drinking water throughout the day is essential – but it’s not exactly exciting, is it? Try Sunset Magazine’s herb-infused spa water for a change or get creative with your own custom infusion.
Walking Meetings: Instead of sitting in a conference room, why not enhance your meetings with fresh air and sunshine? This simple switch not only adds physical activity to your day, but it can also boost creativity and productivity.
Snack Stash: Keep your concentration sharp with healthy snacks at regular intervals. Believe it or not, making your own trail mix is pretty darn fun and economical too! Nutrition.gov’s easy method is a great starting point.
Gratitude Journaling: Take a few minutes at the end of the day to reflect positively in a gratitude journal. If you’re new to the process, try utilizing one of these prompts from Oprah Daily to help inspire your writing and encourage outside-the-box thinking.
Peaceful Evenings: Establish a relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to bring the day to a close. Set your phone aside, dim the lights and try gentle stretching, deep breathing, or listening to calming music.
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